Friday, April 5, 2013

Look what I found!!

Happy happy happy..
I was on my way to buy me dinner and I stopped at a L’Oreal  stand where I saw this:

 L’Oreal Top Coat Confettis - for most of you this is probably nothing but I've been looking through blog post after blog post where people are showing polishes like this, black and white glitter, and I have been pining over them, wanting them ALL! And now I have one!! Yay!! *happy dance*
Now I have to go paint my nails okibye. ;)

Allsstaðar á öllum bloggsíðum blasa við mér glimmer naglalökk með svörtu og  hvítu glimmeri, ég var farin að þrá eitt svoleiðis af mikilli ástríðu og þegar ég sá þetta í Hagkaup fór hjartslátturinn að aukast og adrenalínið að flæða og ekkert annað kom til greina en að kaupa það!!
Ennúnaverðégaðfaraaðnaglalakkamig!!! ;)


  1. Oooh interesting I did not know Loreal made this kind of polish!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I didn't even know it either, when I saw it I had to get it! ;)
