I have a feeling that my blog posts will consist mostly of nail art and polish o.O But that's OK because I like doing my nails and I don't have many people to show it to so the internet will be my people :)
I got obsessed with nail polish a few years ago when I started reading a blog called My Simple Little Pleasures.
Colette is her name and she does extraordinary watermarble nail art, of course I had to try this and got mixed results.
The first one I did with a friend and it wasn't that bad, we just didn't have that many polishes to work with and the clean up was a bit of a mess
My next one on the other hand (pun probably not intended) was a bloody mess:
I used three colors (mistake, beginner's start with two), blue, pink and orange, there seems to be purple there but I think I didn't use purple, and all shimmers (also a mistake).
If I remember correctly:
Pink: OPI - Be a Dahlia Wont You (one of my all time favorite)
Blue: Hello Kitty - Lola Maree (also one of my favorites)
Orange: Hello Kitty - Gaby Cherie
After this catastrophe I started to experiment with different kinds of nail polish to see how they react in the water and what did not go together and after that I started to get the hang of it
Right hand, excuse the state of my cuticles. |
Left hand and a few mishaps. |
With minor mistakes, I am and was happy with the outcome :)
Polishes used:
Yellow: OPI - Need Sunglasses?
Orange/Watermelon Red: OPI - Cajun Shrimp
And another which I'm proud of
Well done cleanup-wise but my cuticles are a mess. |
Polishes used:
Pink: Alessandro - Ice Cream Bar Strawberry/Mint
Green: Alessandro - Ice Cream Bar Lime/Vanilla
It's been awhile since I did these and I've done many since but I always forget to take pictures.
I have to start remembering..
Have you tried this? How did it go? Was it as messy as mine at first?
Another element this blog will probably have a lot of: Cats!
Cats playing Chess. Your argument is invalid...

Ég er með þráhyggju fyrir naglalökkum, og það byrjaði út af þessu bloggi: My Simple Little Pleasures, stelpan sem er með þessa síðu er snillingur í öllu sem viðkemur naglalökkum.
Eitt af því flottasta sem hún gerir er eitthvað sem er kallað watermarble, veit ekki alveg hvað það gæti heitið á íslensku en það snýst út á það að láta naglalakk í vatn og dífa svo nöglunum í vatnið og þá ertu komin með svona sérstakt mynstur.
Eins og þið sjáið á efstu myndunum þá tókst mér ekki sérlega vel til í fyrstu tilraunum en eftir fleiri tilraunir þá tókst mér að gera nokkrar fallegar :)
The last is one is really pretty, I think that's definitely the best one of all the ones you did :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you :) and I agree, the last one is my favorite.
DeleteThe orange one is so pretty! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I'm pretty happy with it :D